Stem Cell Treatment for Hepatic Insufficiency

About Hepatic Insufficiency
Hepatic insufficiency, or liver failure, is the inability of the liver to perform its metabolic function as part of normal physiology. There are two recognized forms: acute and chronic.
Acute liver failure produces hepatic encephalopathy (confusion, stupor, and coma) and decreased production of proteins (such as albumin and clotting proteins) within four weeks after the onset of symptoms (such as jaundice) of a liver problem. This condition is called “hyper-acute” liver failure if the interval is seven days or less, or “sub-acute” liver failure when in the range is five to twelve weeks.
Symptoms of Hepatic Insufficiency
Liver failure is a life-threatening condition that demands urgent medical care. Most often, liver failure occurs gradually and over many years. However, a more rare condition known as acute liver failure occurs rapidly (in as little as 48 hours) and can be difficult to detect initially. Symptoms of liver failure may include:
- nausea
- loss of appetite
- fatigue
- diarrhea
- jaundice
- weight loss
- bruising or bleeding easily
- itching
- edema, or fluid buildup in the legs
- ascites, or fluid buildup in the abdomen
These symptoms can also be attributed to other problems or disorders, which can make liver failure hard to diagnose. Some people don’t have any signs until their liver failure has progressed to a deadly stage. You may be disoriented, drowsy, or even slip into a coma by the time you reach this stage.
If you suffer from alcohol-related liver disease, you may develop jaundice or yellowish color of the skin and eyes. Toxins can build up in your brain and cause sleeplessness, lack of concentration, and even decreased mental function. You may also experience an enlarged spleen, stomach bleeding, and kidney failure. Liver cancer can also develop.
How Stem Cell Therapy Works
Stem cells can be harvested from Human Umbilical Cord Tissue or adipose tissue, which includes fresh cells, proteins, growth factors, and other tools necessary to rebuild damaged organs or tissue. Although these substances exist naturally in an individual’s bone marrow/adipose tissue they are usually not released into a person’s bloodstream in sufficient quantities to repair damage throughout the body. By liberating the stem cells and relocating them to an affected area, stem cell treatment solves this problem and provides relief to damaged tissues, including Hepatic Insufficiency.
Most Hepatic Insufficiency patients can be helped with Stem Cells from Human Umbilical Cord Tissue. Typically this is an outpatient procedure, however, patients may stay for 2 nights in our facilities.
Another excellent alternative for patients with liver failure is allogeneic differentiated liver stem cells. After reviewing your particular case, the best option for you will be assessed.